Tuesday, November 17, 2009

will 2 grow in its place?

Today I found (for the second time) and plucked my first grey hair.

Now I'll go take a test to see how much Portuguese I've absorbed in the last 3 months. I'm officially midway through.

I don't know whether there is a draw to this blog, and if there is I'm not sure what it is. I suspect it has something to do with wanting to know the foods, the sights, the clothing and the different types of personal contact that go on in another country. I think it also has something to do with wanting to understand why so many people claim that travelling changes a person. Folks want to know how and in which ways.

Before the last paragraph I was going to write, there are days when I feel like I've had my fill and when I think I've done what I came to do. But if I can say that at 3 months of 6, then I must be in for some suprises. When I feel finished it just means that I've exhausted my expectations. I've adjusted.

Oh, Clothing: Many of the women here in Rio Grande do Sul where platform shoes, typically boots made from faux leather. They couple these gems with spandex leggings, you know the kind that little girls in the north use when it's winter. Here leggings are pants. And I object.
Food: When people sit down for almoco (that should have a cedilha, the 'c' with a tail) in a restaurant or at home (this is an afternoon meal)it looks something like this: salada verde, fejiao,arroz, carne e algo outro tipo de legume.

I live in a city, and when people are spiraling out from the center it looks like this:

1 comment:

  1. Hello Maya - funny I should read your blog today (I occasionally check in on you to see how you are faring) becaues I found my first gray hair today, too! SCARY. I told Caitlin and she said "Oh Maggie, I have lots of gray hair. Just pull it out and let's never speak of this again." So, Maya, I say to you, "Just pull it out and let's never speak of this again." In other news, Nora gave me a look over the weekend that was 100% you. Keep having your wonderful adventures. xox.
