Saturday, June 20, 2009

Keeping Up

I know that "quarter" is spelled with an 'e'. Unfortunately, that url does not exist, so shsh.

The manisfestation of the quarter-life crisis comes in many forms. Me, I'm traveling to Brazil. I'll be there for 6-months--from the end of summer through the 'end' of winter, and it only makes sense to chronicle the events. After that? Who knows. Civic engagement lectures, creative writing camp, move home and construct a long term financial plan, marry some Brazilan man for citizenship and stay forever? Who could say. Let's stay focused on the present, shall we? So first:

Thank you to every person who has helped me make this trip happen. In no particular order

Jose and Patricia de Urioste, Rodney Sa, Bob Mediros, Twi Mediros,Jason Doty, Dan Sheeler, Ted Reis, Jeanne Stiles and Young Tom Fogarty, Jim Ginderske, Carol Briggs,Jimmy and Michelle, Jason Murray, Tasha Axam, Clara Axam, Louisa Bigalow, Rachel Goldberg, Julia Goldberg, Mom, Dad, Anoa Montsho, Duke's, Kwaku Driskell, Traci Birkhead, Mary Kuhn, Kelby harrison, Hadley Bengten-Crinshaw, Regan Stremel, Walt Kennedy, Felix Yen, Caleb Churder, Jeannette Perkal, Eric Tanner, Liz O'bleness, Urban Coaster, Rogers, Dan Sullivan and Charmers Cafe, Taste Wine and Spirits, Eastview Grocery, Jarvis Grill, Tony Loneian, Claire van Poperin, Jessica Oliver, Kevin Gibbs, Omar Moore,Robert Conlon, John Breslin, Megan Wells, Melissa Engberg, Carlos Gonzalez, Shannon Callahan, Shannon Liburd
The Bronzeville Academic School Staff, Heather Buechler, Rachel De Urioste, Jaye Terry, Yvette Rene, everybody at the Poitin Stil, Lynsie Bumler, and everyone else. Thanks for the books, the money, the love, the listening, and the beer.

Okay. I just bought 100 postcards and 100 stamps. You'll all get one. They have the address of this here blog. I'll post some pictures if I can get my hands on a camera. One thing at a time, people.

I'm traveling through an organization called United Planet. They're an affiliate of the International Cultural Youth Exchange. I'll be living with a host family. As of yet I don't have any details on them. I should know a little more about them next month. I'll particiapate in a project revolving around literacy. I'll know my placement in about a month. If you're interested in learning more about the organization then take a looksee: